Çağatay Demiralp  ·  Data Systems + Artificial Intelligence + Human-Computer Interaction

New paper (VegaProf) at UIST'23
Aug 3, 2023
New paper (R3) at VLDB'23
Jul 1, 2023
Two new preprints (VegaProf, PPA interview study)
Dec 29, 2022
Two new papers at CIDR'23
Oct 30, 2022
New paper at AIDB@VLDB'22
Jul 18, 2022
New paper at SIGMOD'23
Jun 20, 2022
New paper at VLDB'22
May 27, 2022
New paper at SIGMOD'22
Dec 14, 2021
New paper at CHI'22
Nov 15, 2020
New paper at CIDR'22
Oct 22, 2021
New abstract at CIDR'22
Oct 22, 2021
New preprint at arXiv
Jun 16, 2021
New preprint at arXiv
Dec 1, 2020
Joined Sigma Computing
Oct 26, 2020
New paper at CIDR'21
Oct 14, 2020
New paper at EMNLP'20
Sep 15, 2020
Data2Vis receives the 2019 Best Paper Award from IEEE CG&A
Sep 30, 2020
Two new preprints at arXiv
Sep 3, 2020
New paper at VLDB'20
May 30, 2020
New paper at CHI'20
Jan 13, 2020
New preprint at arXiv
Nov 15, 2019
New paper at KDD'19
Apr 29, 2019
New paper at EuroVis'19
Mar 21, 2019
New paper at CHI'19
Jan 9, 2019
New paper at CIDR'19
Oct 22, 2018
New paper at VISREG@IEEE VIS'18
Oct 16, 2018
Data2Vis at VDS'18
Sep 25, 2018
Data2Vis at JupyterCon'18
Jul 30, 2018
New paper at IEEE VIS'18 (VAST)
Jul 12, 2018
Two new talks at KDD IDEA'18
Jun 8, 2018
New talk at HILDA'18
Apr 27, 2018
New paper at IEEE TVCG
Apr 18, 2018
Two new preprints at arXiv
Apr 10, 2018
New paper at EuroVis'18
Feb 21, 2018
New demo at CHI'18
Feb 13, 2018
New paper at CHI'18
Jan 8, 2018
Two new papers at VIS'17 DSIA
Dec 26, 2017
Two new papers at KDD'17 IDEA
Jun 23, 2017
New paper at VLDB'17
May 4, 2017

upcoming talks & travel
CHI'22 New Orleans, LA
Apr 30-May 5, 2022
SIGMOD'22 Philadelphia, PA
Jun 12-17, 2022
VLDB'22 Sydney
Sep 5-9, 2022
EPIC Data Lab Berkeley, CA
Oct 26-27, 2022
NeurIPS'22 New Orleans, LA
Nov 28-Dec 9, 2022
CIDR'23 Amsterdam
Jan 8-11, 2023
EPIC Data Lab Spring Retreat Napa, CA
Apr 17-18, 2023
SIGMOD'23 Seattle, WA
Jun 18-23, 2023
VLDB'23 Vancouver, Canada
Aug 28-Sep 1, 2023
OOPSLA'23 Cascais, Portugal
Oct 22-27, 2023
UIST'23 San Francisco, CA
Oct 29-Nov 1, 2023

I'm now at Amazon, working on representation learning (LLMs, foundation models, and beyond) for enterprise data and leading GenAI science initiatives to improve enterprise data tasks, insights, and business outcomes for sellers. I continue co-leading (with Mike Stonebraker) the effort at MIT CSAIL to make LLMs work better for enterprise data tasks. I also collaborated on DBOS until recently, where my contributions involved debugging tools and ML applications for DBOS.
Previously, I was Chief Research Scientist at Sigma Computing, a SaaS startup for cloud business data analytics, where I built and led the multidisciplinary data systems research group. My research interests broadly focus on making data-centric systems intelligent to augment and automate user and system tasks. In practice, this means I work on developing systems and techniques that encompass data systems, artificial intelligence (AI), and human-computer interaction (HCI) research.
Before Sigma, I held Senior Research Scientist and Research Staff Member positions at Megagon Labs and IBM Research, respectively. Between 2012-2014, I was a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford and a member of IDL at the University of Washington. I obtained my Ph.D. from Brown University and co-founded Fitnescity to provide easy access and data analytics for wellness lab tests.
selected publications
Q. Li, P. Kraft, M. Cafarella, Ç. Demiralp, G. Graefe, C. Kozyrakis, M. Stonebraker, L. Suresh, X. Yu, M. Zaharia
VLDB, 2023.
pdf · project page · bibtex
Q. Chen, A. Banerjee, Ç. Demiralp, G. Durrett, I. Dillig
OOPSLA, 2023.
pdf · code · bibtex
Q. Li, P. Kraft, M. Cafarella, Ç. Demiralp, G. Graefe, C. Kozyrakis, M. Stonebraker, L. Suresh, M. Zaharia
CIDR, 2023.
pdf · project page · bibtex
T. Cong, J. Gale, J. Frantz, H. V. Jagadish, Ç. Demiralp
CIDR, 2023.
pdf · bibtex
J. Yang, A. Bäuerle, D. Moritz, Ç. Demiralp
arXiv preprint, 2022 · UIST, 2023.
pdf · video · code · bibtex
S. Gathani, Z. Liu, P. Haas, Ç. Demiralp
arXiv preprint, 2022.
pdf · bibtex
R. Redmond, N. W. Weckwerth, B. S. Xia, Q. Li, P. Kraft, D. Kumar, Ç. Demiralp, M. Stonebraker
arXiv preprint, 2022 · AIDB@VLDB, 2022.
pdf · project page · bibtex
S. Gale, M. Seiden, D. Utkarsh, J. Frantz, R. Woollen, Ç. Demiralp
arXiv preprint, 2022 · VLDB (demo), 2022.
pdf · video · bibtex
Y. Suhara, J. Li, Y. Li, D. Zhang, Ç. Demiralp, C. Chen, W-C. Tan
arXiv preprint, 2021 · SIGMOD, 2022.
pdf · code · bibtex
C. Xiong, A. Sarvghad, Ç. Demiralp, J. Hofman, D. Goldstein
CHI, 2022.
pdf · bibtex · Best Paper Honorable Mention
S. Gathani, M. Hulsebos, J. Gale, P. Haas, Ç. Demiralp
arXiv preprint, 2021 · CIDR, 2022.
pdf · video · bibtex
M. Hulsebos, S. Gathani, J. Gale, I. Dillig, P. Groth, Ç. Demiralp
arXiv preprint, 2021 · CIDR (abstract), 2022.
pdf · CIDR abstract · bibtex
M. Hulsebos, Ç. Demiralp, P. Groth
arXiv preprint, 2021 · SIGMOD, 2023.
pdf · code · dataset · project page · bibtex
S. Gale, M. Seiden, G. Atwood, J. Frantz, R. Woollen, Ç. Demiralp
arXiv preprint, 2020.
pdf · video · bibtex
S. Evensen, C. Ge, D. Choi, Ç. Demiralp
arXiv preprint, 2020 · Findings of EMNLP (Ruler), 2020 · WWW Demo (TagRuler), 2021.
pdf · video (Ruler) · video (TagRuler) · code (Ruler) · code (TagRuler) · bibtex
S. Rahman, P. Griggs, Ç. Demiralp
arXiv preprint, 2020 · CIDR, 2021.
pdf · code · bibtex
D. Zhang, Y. Suhara, J. Li, M. Hulsebos, Ç. Demiralp, W-C. Tan
arXiv preprint, 2019 · VLDB, 2020.
pdf · code · blog · bibtex
X. Zhang, J. Engel, S. Evensen, Y. Li, Ç. Demiralp, W-C. Tan
CHI, 2020.
pdf · video · code · blog · bibtex
M. Hulsebos, K. Hu, M. Bakker, E. Zgraggen, A. Satyanarayan, T. Kraska, Ç. Demiralp, C. Hidalgo
KDD, 2019.
pdf · video · code · blog · bibtex
W. Tao, X. Liu, L. Battle, Ç. Demiralp, R. Chang, M. Stonebraker
EuroVis, 2019.
pdf · video · code · bibtex
K. Hu, N. Gaikwad, M. Bakker, M. Hulsebos, E. Zgraggen, C. Hidalgo, T. Kraska, G. Li, A. Satyanarayan, Ç. Demiralp
CHI, 2019.
pdf · video · code · bibtex
W. Tao, X. Liu, Ç. Demiralp, R. Chang, M. Stonebraker
CIDR, 2019.
pdf · video · code · bibtex
M. Cavallo, Ç. Demiralp
IEEE TVCG (Proc. VAST), 2019.
pdf · video · bibtex
B. Saket, A. Endert, Ç. Demiralp
arXiv preprint, 2017 · IEEE TVCG, 2018. pdf · code · bibtex · also presented at IEEE VIS'18
V. Dibia, Ç. Demiralp
arXiv preprint, 2018.
pdf · software · code · bibtex · VDS'18 Best Paper Honorable Mention · IEEE CG&A 2019 Best Paper
M. Cavallo, Ç. Demiralp
CHI, 2018.
pdf · supplement · big picture · video (17s) · video (5m) · bibtex
M. Cavallo, Ç. Demiralp
EuroVis, 2018.
pdf · video · bibtex
Ç. Demiralp, P. Haas, S. Parthasarathy, T. Pedapati
VLDB & KDD IDEA, 2017.
pdf · bibtex
Ç. Demiralp, P. Haas, S. Parthasarathy, T. Pedapati
pdf · bibtex
B. C. Kwon, J. Verma, P. Haas, Ç. Demiralp
IEEE CG&A 2017.
pdf · bibtex
M. Cavallo, Ç. Demiralp
KDD IDEA, 2017.
pdf · video · bibtex
M. Cavallo, Ç. Demiralp
pdf · video · bibtex
Ç. Demiralp
KDD IDEA, 2016.
pdf · video · bibtex
Ç. Demiralp, J. Cirimele, J. Heer, S. K. Card,
IEEE Vis ETVIS, 2015 & Chapter in Eye Tracking and Visualization, 2017.
pdf · video · code · bibtex
Ç. Demiralp, M. Bernstein, J. Heer
IEEE TVCG (Proc. InfoVis), 2014.
pdf · video · code · bibtex · Among Top 4 TVCG Papers Invited to SIGGRAPH'15
Ç. Demiralp, C. E. Scheiddegger, G. L. Kindlmann, D. H. Laidlaw, J. Heer
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2014.
pdf · code · bibtex
Ç. Demiralp, E. Hayden, J. Hammerbacher, J. Heer
IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization, 2013.
pdf · video · code · bibtex
R. Jianu, Ç. Demiralp, D. H. Laidlaw
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2012.
pdf · video · software · bibtex
D. Zikic, B. Glocker, E. Konukoglu, A. Criminisi, Ç. Demiralp, J. Shatton, O. Thomas, T. Das, R. Jena, S. Price
MICCAI, 2012.
pdf · video(alt) · bibtex
Ç. Demiralp, D. H. Laidlaw
MICCAI Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI (CDMRI), 2011.
pdf · bibtex
Ç. Demiralp, D. H. Laidlaw
MICCAI, 2010.
pdf · bibtex
G. Taubin, Ç. Demiralp
Shape Modeling International, 2010.
pdf · bibtex
Ç. Demiralp, J. F. Hughes, D. H. Laidlaw
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of SciVis), 2009.
pdf · video · code · bibtex
R. Jianu, Ç. Demiralp, D. H. Laidlaw.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of SciVis), 2009.
pdf · video · software · bibtex
Ç. Demiralp and D. H. Laidlaw
MICCAI DMFC Workshop 2009.
pdf · bibtex
Ç. Demiralp, G. Shakhnarovich, S. Zhang, D. H. Laidlaw.
MICCAI 2008.
pdf · bibtex
Ç. Demiralp, C. Jackson, D. Karelitz, S. Zhang, D. H. Laidlaw.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2006.
pdf · bibtex